Monday, August 17, 2009

Game time!

Let's play a game. It's called Who would you grab first, the man or the baby? 

Stock images are amazing...

Monday, August 3, 2009


One very vivid part of my childhood was gum. Firstly we have tiny sized chiclets. They are rarely seen any more as they are sparsely produced; i guess every one is too worried about what their breath smells like these days. You can still find it sometimes, but it's not so easy to come by. But this gum is amazing. It comes in a tiny little yellow packet and the pieces of gum are teeny tiny little squares. You essentially chug the whole thing into your mouth and mash them up to make gum. It's amazingly sweet and delicious. 

While I don't really remember it, I've heard this story from my mother a thousand times: when I was little, maybe 3, and we were in Iran, she left me with my grandmother while she went out. My mom continuously told her not to give me sweets or candy, but she didn't listen. So when my mom came home I ran around screaming "adumps"  (pronounced adumbs?) which is Farsi for gum. What's actually interesting about this story is that only recently did I have the revelation of a lifetime when I realized were the Farsi word came from. The company that makes chiclets and tiny sized chiclets is Adams, and Iranians just didn't know how to pronounce Adams the correct way! 

Also a great gum was trident's original cinnamon gum. The unfortunately discontinued it and that makes me very sad. There are lots of knock offs around but none of them are the same. They all have some weird ingredient called xylitol or something. Apparently I'm not the only one who's upset. (